7. Installation

7.1. Python dependencies

7.1.1. Server

7.1.2. Raspberry Pi client

  • gpiozero (homepage, pypi, source, doc): access GPIO for PWM and tachometer signals

  • gpiozero’s native pin factory does not currently supports PWM (sept 2020), you need one of the following packages:

7.1.3. Documentation

7.1.4. Test

7.2. Non-Python dependencies

7.2.1. Server

7.3. Installation

7.3.1. Server

Install smartmontools on your system with your prefered package manager.

Install fand with:

$ pip install fand[server]

7.3.2. Raspberry Pi client

Install fand with one of the following commands:

  • Install with RPi.GPIO:

    $ pip install fand[clientrpi-rpi-gpio]
  • Install with pigpio:

    $ pip install fand[clientrpi-pigpio]
  • Install with RPIO:

    $ pip install fand[clientrpi-rpio]

7.3.3. Other modules

No extra dependencies required, you can install with:

$ pip install fand

7.3.4. Custom installation

You can cumulate extra dependencies:

$ pip install fand[server,clientrpi-pigpio]

7.3.5. Documentation

To build the documentation, you can install fand with:

$ pip install fand[doc]

Download the fand source code:

$ pip download --no-deps --no-binary fand fand
$ tar -xf <filename>
$ cd <directory>

And build the documentation with:

$ cd doc
$ make html

The documentation will be built in the build directory.

7.3.6. Testing

To run CI or QA tests, you can install fand with:

$ pip install fand[test,qa]

You may want to also install server and clientrpi-base dependencies to test the corresponding modules.

Run the tests with:

$ tox

7.4. Python version support

7.4.1. Officially supported Python versions

  • Python 3.6
  • Python 3.7
  • Python 3.8
  • Python 3.9
  • Python 3.10

7.4.2. Officially supported Python implementations

7.5. Operating system support

7.5.1. Server

7.5.2. Raspberry Pi client

  • Linux
  • Windows: untested
  • FreeBSD: unsupported, missing support for any of the gpiozero’s backend for PWM

7.5.3. Other modules

  • Any OS with Python