3. Command-line interface

fanctl is a CLI allowing to interract with the server.

It is basically a fand client, but does not act as a fan controller.

The user can get the assigned fan speed in percentage, the real fan speed in rpm.

The user can override the assigned fan speed. The override can also be set to expire in a given amount of time, or expire at a given date and time.

3.1. Examples

Ping the server at

$ fanctl -a -P 1234 ping

Get the assigned fan speed for shelf ‘shelf1’:

$ fanctl get-pwm shelf1

Override fan speed of ‘myshelf’ to 100%:

$ fanctl set-pwm-override myshelf 100

Remove override in 1 hour and 30 minutes:

$ fanctl set-pwm-expire-in myshelf 1h30m

Remove override now:

$ fanctl set-pwm-override myshelf none

3.2. Python API


List of accepted string formats for datetime.datetime.strptime()


List of accepted regex formats for datetime.timedelta


Dictionnary associating action strings to their corresponding functions

3.2.1. main

fand.fanctl.main() → NoReturn[source]

Entry point of the module

3.2.2. send

fand.fanctl.send(action: str, *args, address: str = 'build-17980832-project-622900-fand', port: int = 9999) → None[source]

Main function of this module

  • action – Action to call
  • args – Arguments to send to the action
  • address – Server address
  • port – Server port

FanctlActionBadValue – Invalid action name or arguments